Depression common symptom prior to vaginismus treatment

Very often, depression is a common symptom prior to the Botox vaginismus treatment

Botox treatment for vaginismusDepression is a common symptom of vaginismus leading to feelings of defeat as a result of the inability to get a proper diagnosis for painful or impossible intercourse, unsuccessful treatments and strained relationships. Depression is often associated with anxiety and fear that develops when repeated attempts at penetration fail because of pain.

Depression rapidly reverses after Botox vaginismus treatment

Once a person feels they have some control over their destiny, these feeling of depression can rapidly reverse. “Becca” who struggled with primary severe Pacik level 5 primary vaginismus for seven years and failed a variety of treatments during this time, found our VaginismusMD website in October of 2013. In her original inquiry to us, Becca states “I just found this website online yesterday and it sounds like it may be an answer to prayer. Please send more information about the Botox vaginismus treatment program.”  

The same day Becca posted on our VaginismusMD Forum. The following is an excerpt from that post:

I have been struggling with Vaginismus for what feels like forever. My husband and I have been married 6 1/2 years and both were (still are!) virgins when we got married. I always wondered if something was wrong with me as I was not able to get a tampon in as a teenager but I had never heard of anyone physically not being able to have sex, so I never thought much about it. When we were first married and I talked to my doctor about our situation she just told me repeatedly that I needed to relax and we just weren’t comfortable with each other yet – which was untrue.

It has been the most frustrating, disappointing, lonely and burdensome load to carry. When I found this website yesterday I felt this glimmer of hope inside that I haven’t felt in a LONG time. I am so curious to find out more about the procedure (especially the cost!) and hear more from all the ladies who have had success from it. I want to start a family more than anything and truly feel like this could be a long awaited answer to prayer.

Two days after her original inquiry, Becca submitted our Patient Information Form and our Female Sexual Function Index Form for our review and recommendations. Upon review, it appeared that Becca would be an excellent candidate for the Botox vaginismus treatment program and Becca scheduled her vaginismus treatment for February 2014.

Five days post procedure, Becca once again posted on our VaginismusMD Forum. The following is an excerpt from that post:

I had my procedure on 2/24 and what a week it has been! :) My husband and I made a trip out of it and spent the rest of the week sightseeing and enjoying the area, there is so much to see/do! I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet Dr. Pacik and all of his wonderful staff. This has definitely been an emotional week for me. When I first woke up after my procedure I remember asking my husband “Did I have the spasms?” and he confirmed that yes, I did, and I just started crying saying how I was so glad I wasn’t crazy! My biggest fear before coming for treatment was that I would get there and be told that I didn’t have vaginismus and they couldn’t “fix me”. I was SO THANKFUL when I woke up and that was not the case! It was the strangest feeling to have the #6 dilator in when I woke up. I have struggled some with getting back to the bigger dilators, but was able to get #5 in today, so that was great! :)

Thank you again, Dr. Pacik (and all the amazing staff!) for what you do everyday for Vaginismus patients. I feel alive with hope for the first time in SO LONG and I am so, so thankful for you and all the time and effort you put into spreading the news about this condition.

Depressed and Defeated prior to vaginismus treatment TO Encouraged and Empowered in 9 days post procedure

Empowered woman_smallOn Day 9 post vaginismus treatment, Becca’s noted how quickly she was able to overcome feelings of depression, defeat and despair to feelings of being encouraged and empowered in the following post on the VaginismusMD Forum.

“So, just wanted to update! I am 9 days post procedure and amazed at the difference between now and before the procedure!! My anxiety/emotion levels have dropped *drastically*. I was in a pretty depressed/defeated state of mind when I went to NH. I feel so much better than I did two weeks ago! Last night I was able to get the #5 in almost pain free (it took me 6 minutes to get it all the way in), tonight I was able to get it in, in 3 minutes! And had it in pain free for over an hour! :) I haven’t used the lidocaine since day 2 post procedure – which is so shocking to me. I am now able to get my dilators in “by feel” and no longer need a mirror when putting them in. Also, I always insert my dilators laying down because for my nerves that has always made me the most comfortable. Last night I was able to insert the #4 before bed while standing up! I did it again today and it went in so easily. I am just feeling SO encouraged and SO empowered. I feel like, for the first time in my life, I am in control of my own body and am becoming comfortable with it. It has been incredible to see the changes that have taken place so far, and I am so excited about all the rest to come! To anyone that is considering the Botox treatment, I cannot tell you enough what a drastic change this has made in my life already. Yeah, I was a terrified, anxious, depressed ball of nerves when I got on the plane to go to NH, but I thank God that He provided the way and gave me the courage to go! You definitely won’t regret having the treatment, my only regret is that I didn’t find out about Dr. Pacik and his incredible work sooner!!” 

When we asked Becca for permission to use some of her posts from the VaginismusMD Forum, Becca replied the following in an email to us:

Of course!! :) I don’t care if you use my username name “Becca” either, just for the record. I’m so glad that you think this post is of value to others. I am just amazed at the difference in how I feel. :) I didn’t realize there could be such a drastic emotional change so quickly, I definitely hope it encourages other women!

I am more than willing to talk to potential patients via email or the phone if you ever need. My mind has been racing just trying to think of ways I can be an advocate for others like me. No one should have to suffer alone and feel the way vaginismus makes you feel.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Botox treatment for vaginismus and progressive dilation under anesthesia, please contact us via our contact us form.

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About Dr. Pacik

Peter Pacik, MD, FACS is a recognized pioneer in treating patients with Botox for vaginismus and the author of When Sex Seems Impossible: Stories of Vaginismus and How You Can Achieve Intimacy. He has been in practice for over thirty years and belongs to a small group of prestigious surgeons who are double board certified by both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. In 2010, Dr. Pacik received FDA approval to continue his study to treat vaginismus using intravaginal injections of Botox together with progressive dilation under anesthesia.
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