Peter Pacik, MD — Breakthrough Vaginismus Treatments/Sex Talk with Lou
July 20, 2011
Dr. Pacik was interviewed on a talk radio show “Sex Talk with Lou”. He discusses with Lou Paget, a sex therapist, vaginismus and his treatment of this condition with Botox. This interview with Dr. Pacik covers a broad range of information about vaginismus. It is an excellent interview and would be worthwhile for you to listen to.
Peter Pacik, MD — Vaginismus: Part 1 of 2/Love, Lust and Laughter with Diana Wiley
September 9, 2011
VAGINISMUS is the most common reason for unconsummated marriages and effects 1 to 7 percent of women worldwide. This program aims to shatter the silence and shame too often associated with this devastating condition. Peter Pacik, MD is a recognized pioneer in helping patients overcome severe vaginismus with his intravaginal injections of Botox together with his progressive dilation under anesthesia. Pacik’s treatment offers a real cure! Two of his many treated patients called in with positive, enthusiastic testimonials.
Peter Pacik, MD — Vaginismus: Part 2 of 2/Love, Lust and Laughter with Diana Wiley
September 16, 2011
Peter Pacik, MD is once again interviewed by Diana Wiley in Part 2 – VAGINISMUS. Dr. Pacik’s book “When Sex Seems Impossible – Stories of Vaginismus and How You Can Achieve Intimacy” was discussed as well as how the male partner is affected by vaginismus when intercourse is not possible. The Botox Program for Vaginismus is discussed in detail. Three treated patients called in to discuss their experiences.