At this time, I would like to introduce the three moderators of the VaginismusMD Forum – Heather, Allie and Nakitalab. Their primary role as forum moderator is to encourage interaction, to encourage member involvement, and to encourage a sense of community within our forum. They also help our members with their queries and help to keep the threads alive by asking questions.
VaginismusMD Forum Moderator #1 – Heather
Heather has gone beyond the call to help support other women with vaginismus. Cured after struggling for fifteen years she is determined to help those in need.
Heather writes in her bio:
My name is Heather. I’m currently 34 years old and am happily married to the man of my dreams. We’ve been together for 11 years and married for 5. I am also a daughter, sister, best friend, colleague, and true friend to many. In my spare time, I enjoy travel, movies, dancing, downhill skiing, and love relaxing and spending time with my husband, family, and friends. Finally, for 15 years of my life, I had Lamont Level 5 primary vaginismus. Throughout these 15 years, I experienced every emotion known to woman and have come out on top. Specifically, I am overjoyed to report that I am “cured” from this condition and now enjoy pain-free intercourse with my husband. I found this “cure” in Dr. Pacik’s treatment program and whole heartedly feel that it is the only program that would have ever worked considering the severity of my condition. I further feel like he is the most caring, empathic, and supportive Doctor that I have ever met and this speaks volumes in the success of the treatment program. It is my greatest intention to now be able to share my experiences with you and help you in any and all ways to overcome as well.
VaginismusMD Forum Moderator #2 – Allie
Allie, who was patient #200 and struggled for six years trying to overcome vaginismus writes in her bio:
My name is Allie and I am 25 years old. I have been married to my amazing husband for 6 years. I have the best family and friends. I am a hairstylist and I absolutely love my job! My faith in God has always been a huge part of my life. Sadly, I started questioning that when I found out I had vaginismus. I didn’t understand why this would happen to me, but I knew God had a plan. I found
out I had vaginismus by searching for answers online. I spent time and money over the course of 5 years at physical therapy, sex therapy, hypnotherapy, medications and etc. My husband and I still could not consummate our marriage. One day I was searching online and came across Dr. P’s website. I will never forget that day, I was filled with hope! I had my procedure on October 23, 2012. I was patient number 200! I am nearing my 4 month mark. Before treatment I couldn’t even insert a q-tip, now I am using my dilators everyday with no pain or anxiety. Most importantly, my husband and I are enjoying a pain-free, enjoyable sex life! I never thought this would be possible. We will forever be grateful for Dr. P and his staff. This has truly been a life-changing experience. My heart is to help you all and encourage you through your journey. You can and you will overcome this!
“Each time He said, My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Corinthians 12:9
VaginismusMD Forum Moderator #3 – Nakitalab
After struggling with vaginismus for over 35 years, Nakitalah shares her story in her bio:
Hi! My forum name is Nakitalab and I’m 52 years old. My husband and I have been married over 31 years and have two beautiful children through adoption (ages 11 and 16). I had Vaginismus for most of my teenage/adult life. During that time I felt so alone, that I was the only woman on the face of this earth who couldn’t have a GYN exam, couldn’t use tampons, couldn’t have pain free intercourse with my husband. Then last year I stumbled across this website and found I wasn’t alone. That unfortunately there were many (too many) women and girls who suffered with the same condition as I did. Finding this website, Dr. Pacik and his team and especially this Forum has been life changing for me. I had my procedure last year in October and was able to have pain free intercourse after 14 days! I still have to pinch myself. I still have a long way to go in learning to trust and be comfortable in my own body and with intercourse but I am on my way! This Forum has been such a huge blessing to me. To be able to share, vent, ask questions, and receive all the support and love from other women has just been incredible. I was and am no longer alone in this journey. And neither are you. I along with Heather, Allie and so many other beautiful women are here for you and want to walk along beside you in your journey in conquering Vaginismus!
I am humbled by the tireless efforts of these three women to help others. They are always there to advise and support despite their busy lives. All of us feel that no woman should be left behind and that the time has come to make vaginismus better known to the general public and to professionals in the health care field.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about our Botox treatment for vaginismus and progressive dilation under anesthesia, please contact us via our contact us form.