VaginismusMD and Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogs and Forum

VaginismusMD Facebook

VaginismusMD FacebookOur Facebook page was developed to foster and encourage your comments and to provide you with new information from our websites and news from other sources covering the topic of vaginismus. Because vaginismus affects so much more than the physical being, we also try to include helpful tips on positive thinking, relieving stress and anxiety and quotes of the day. So join our Facebook community and interact with us. You will be supporting a large community of women who are not only trying to overcome an important disability but also help give voice to a condition that most people and most health care providers know very little about. It is our intention to tear down the walls of silence that surround this condition and make known treatments that work to cure vaginismus.

VaginismusMD Twitter

VaginismusMD TwitterFollow VaginismusMD Twitter for up-to-date audio/video interviews, resource articles, blog posts and stories about the treatment of vaginismus using Botox injections and the cure of vaginismus.


VaginismusMD YouTube

VaginismusMD YouTubeDr. Peter Pacik’s channel on YouTube was created to showcase the many videos that he has put together to help vaginismus sufferers understand their condition and to learn more about his Botox treatment which includes progressive dilation and post procedure support. These videos cover topics such as:

  • Symptoms of vaginismus
  • Diagnosis of vaginismus
  • Vaginismus causes
  • Classifying the severity of vaginismus
  • Treatment of vaginismus using Botox and progressive dilation under anesthesia, dilators and post procedure counseling and support
  • Vaginismus exercises
  • Vaginismus support
  • Advancing to intercourse after Botox treatment for vaginismus
  • Vaginismus and pregnancy
  • Cure of vaginismus
  • Meet Dr. Pacik and Ms. Cole, the authors of the book about vaginismus “When Sex Seems Impossible. Stories of Vaginismus & How You Can Achieve Intimacy”
  • Meet the staff and what to expect from the vaginismus treatment program
  • Understanding the full treatment program for vaginismus
  • A patient’s experience (part 1 and part 2)
  • Discussion of the safety of anesthesia, Botox and dilation for the treatment of vaginismus
  • How to use dilators to treat vaginismus (part 1 and part 2)
  • How to understand “When sex hurts”

VaginismusMD Blogs

VaginismusMD BlogThe vaginismusMD blogs are an informal way of covering topics important to the understanding of vaginismus. These include how different levels of severity of vaginismus will affect women in different ways, the ongoing fears of first time GYN exams despite being able to use dilators considerably larger than the small GYN speculum normally used. Topics cover the full range of symptoms, diagnosis of vaginismus and treatment of vaginismus, advancing from dilators to intercourse, how to use dilators long term, bringing the “fun” back into being functional and helping to restore libido, discussions of concepts presented in the book about vaginismus “When Sex Seems Impossible. Stories of Vaginismus & How you Can Achieve Intimacy” by Peter T. Pacik, MD and much more. Often topics discussed on the VaginismusMD Forum are further elaborated in the blogs.

VaginismusMD Forum

VaginismusMD ForumThe VaginismusMD Forum is of great value to women who suffer with vaginismus. The VaginismusMD Forum is often the first time they are able to communicate with other women with vaginismus. Every question, every concern about vaginismus is openly discussed by the members of the Forum. This creates an amazing community of women who are willing to share their experiences and support others. An indication of the popularity of the Forum is noted by the 300 members in little more than a year sharing their knowledge and experiences in more than 2100 posts covering almost 500 topics! There is a wealth of information on the VaginismusMD Forum that not only educates but helps women understand they are not alone in their struggles with vaginismus. Since men suffer side by side by their loved ones, a separate “Men’s” section gives validity to their struggles also.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Botox treatment for vaginismus and progressive dilation under anesthesia, please contact us via our contact us form.

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About Dr. Pacik

Peter Pacik, MD, FACS is a recognized pioneer in treating patients with Botox for vaginismus and the author of When Sex Seems Impossible: Stories of Vaginismus and How You Can Achieve Intimacy. He has been in practice for over thirty years and belongs to a small group of prestigious surgeons who are double board certified by both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. In 2010, Dr. Pacik received FDA approval to continue his study to treat vaginismus using intravaginal injections of Botox together with progressive dilation under anesthesia.
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